Ikan Pelo Atau Nebulous
Wrasse (Halichoeres nebulosus); Morfologi, Habitat, Ciri-Ciri, Klasifikasi
kedalam famili Labridae, hidup di Terumbu berbatu-ganggang, 0–40 m; sirip
punggung dengan 9 duri dan 11 jari lunak, kepala tanpa sisik, pola warna
kompleks, bintik hitam di tengah sirip punggung, bercak merah muda besar di
perut, keputihan di sisi bawah dengan rangkaian garis cokelat kemerahan tua di
belakang bercak merah muda; Indo–Pasifik Barat; 12 cm.
Pelo or Nebulous
Wrasse (Halichoeres nebulosus); Morphology, Habitat, Traits, Classification
the Labridae family, live on Algal-rocky reefs, to 40 m depth; dorsal fin with
9 spines and 11 soft rays, colour pattern complex, black spot on mid-dorsal
fin, large pink blotch on belly, whitish below with series of dark reddish
brown bars behind pink blotch; Indo–W. Pacific; to 12 cm.
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno, S.Pi.
Daftar Pustaka
William. T., Peter. R. Last., Dharmadi., Ria. Faizah., Umi. Chodrijah., Budi. Iskandar.
Prisantoso., John. J. Pogonoski., Melody. Puckridge., Stephen. J. M. Blaber.
2013. Market Fishes Of Indonesian. Australian Centre For International
Agricultural Research.
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